The Gear Factory Syracuse

The Vision

The Gear Factory is a hub and a resource for the productive interaction of artists, musicians, and creative types of all genres. It houses introspective private workspaces, but also public spaces that allow for synchronicities, for interaction and collaboration. The element of chance expands artists’ imagination and gives us access to ideas outside our own fields.

The Gear Factory shares this combined energy with the surrounding community through private gallery and performance events, open studio time, and educational offerings accessible to all.

The building itself is steeped in a history of inventiveness and innovation. We are continuing that tradition by committing ourselves not only to artistic progressiveness, but to a Triple Bottom Line meaning fiscal responsibility, environmental sustainability, and social justice.

The Gear Factory is committed to providing a variety of affordable and market rate spaces evenly throughout the building for all people.  For future design plans, using our combined networks, we are exploring ways to lower overall living and working expenses, share savings, and generate funds from outside sources to keep costs low and to resist gentrification.

The people who have come together to create The Gear Factory believe wholeheartedly in the potential of Syracuse and its immensely talented population. Having a home at 200 S. Geddes will give us the chance to combine our inspired enthusiasm and celebrate our city as it should be celebrated.

Current Features:

  • Artist studios 24/7
  • Musician rehearsal space 24/7
  • Private flexible event/community space
  • Live/work spaces that combine the public and private aspects of the creative process
  • Green Roof

Future Development:

  • Public flexible event/community space
  • Public access to the green roof
  • An artist-in-residence program to exchange talents with other cities
  • A Market Place that doubles as a working gallery to promote house and visiting artists.